About Us

Our Mission

Our Mission is to improve the quality of life for the most disadvantaged communities in the Marshall Islands through innovative and sustainable solutions.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to improve the quality of life for the most disadvantaged communities in the Marshall Islands through innovative and sustainable solutions.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is founded on social justice and sustainable development – to impact our marginalized and disadvantaged groups through development projects that will improve and sustain livelihoods, and quality of life. We believe that by improving the standards of living especially for the marginalized and disadvantaged in our communities, we will diminish the inequalities and gaps systemically and culturally embedded in our society, and unite us in our common goals for a just, dignified existence in a caring and supportive community.

Our Values

As Marshallese, our values are rooted in our unique culture and include:
1. Jerbal ippān doon (Collaboration):

Engagement of all necessary stakeholders in any project for the shared responsibility of developing our community.

2. Lale doon (supporting each other):

Caring about each member of our community, especially those most disadvantaged. We always include an element of capacity building and knowledge transfer in our projects.

3. Juon eo ej bōk kun̗aan ilo jukjuk-in-pād eo (Stewardship):

As stewards of our communities and livelihoods, we practice responsible planning and implementation, to holistically improve the qualities of our lives, resources and environments.

Our Story

Green Energy Solutions, LLC is an All-Marshallese Family Business started in 2011 with Energy Auditing. Trained and certified in Energy Auditing, we realized that air conditioning was the largest consumers of electricity in Government, Commercial and many residential buildings, however the only air conditioners here had the worst energy efficiency ratings meaning they were consuming way too much electricity. We therefore expanded our business to supply high quality, highly efficient inverter Air Conditioning systems and were amongst the first to bring such units into the Micronesian region. Seeing how our clients were able to save alot of money on their energy bills after retrofitting their AC units, we were even more motivated to innovate in areas of energy saving through sustainable energy and energy-efficient product alternatives. Building on a culture of innovation and quality, we strive to improve the quality of life in the Marshall Islands. We do what we do because we care about our community, our people and their quality of life. We are for Marshallese, by Marshallese!

The logic we employ is simple: First we target energy conservation, then Energy Efficiency (EE), and finally  Renewable/Sustainable Energy – in that order.

Our Energy Audits showed huge opportunities for a Business to invest in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy products. Eg. Audit of our national College showed huge spending in Air Conditioning and lighting, which when addressed saved the College $300,000 annually.

Improving quality of life in the Marshall Islands means a dedication to sustainable development. We have gradually expanded into more “Green” products like Solar Systems, LED lights, Solar Freezers, Solar lighting, Solar distillation systems, Synthetic building materials, alternative/cleaner modes of transportation, AggreBind, as well as Solar and EE training. Our motto “Sustainable innovations, quality assured” captures our commitment to sustainable development through innovation and quality of products and services.